For overall optimal health and wellness daily exercise is KEY for total well-being. The most asked question is “how do I fit it in?” If your day is hectic at the workplace or with the kids, there’s still hope, you just have to put yourself as a PRIORITY and just as you schedule your conference calls at the office, you can set an hourly alarm reminding you to get up from your computer and take a five minute stroll around the floor or up and down the stairs. With so many activity tracking apps or devices, it is now easier than ever to stay ACTIVE. If you aren’t motivated enough yet, and you need a little encouragement, make this new declaration of daily movement known to your friends and family and enlist them to join you on your journey, you’ll be surprised how many people want to get started too.
Remember, the biggest step is just getting started and once you do, you’ll say “this isn’t so bad after all.”
January 31, 2019
Remember, the biggest step is just getting started and once you do, you’ll say “this isn’t so bad after all.”