Black Spruce Respiratory Chest Rub
What we know about COVID-19 is that it attacks our respiratory system. Besides strengthening our immune systems, we must protect our respiratory system as well. Black Spruce Essential Oil is rich in monoterpenes that give this oil its anti-inflammatory and analgesic, mucolytic & respiratory therapeutic effects.
Black Spruce Essential Oil is antiseptic and expectorant and therefore is ideally used for many respiratory issues. It is an ideal remedy for many lung ailments such as asthma and bronchitis especially when used in an inhalation blend.

It can be used in diffusers, since it is known as an airborne deodorizer and decongestant. It can also be used in salves or creams for the same respiratory benefits.
According to Dr Kurt Schnabelt, Black Spruce is also known to strengthen and support the adrenal glands during times of stress and fatigue. This supports the fact that Black Spruce is not only calming and sedating, but uplifting as well. During these times a little Black Spruce is exactly what we all need in our lives. Try this recipe out and let me know what you think.
Black Spruce Essential Oil Recipe for Respiratory Problems
For a chest rub, combine 8 drops of Black Spruce, 7 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata and 5 drops of Roman Chamomile with 100ml of a fragrance-free base lotion. Once made, apply it to the chest and upper back at bed time.

This blend can be used in a very warm bath – a lovely way to naturally inhale the blend of oils. Add the oils to a base oil such as Jojoba and add 6 to 10 drops of the blend to your bath. Make sure that the bath is at your desired temperature first. Close the bathroom door and allow yourself to relax in the bath for at least twenty minutes.
A word of caution
Before using Black Spruce (or any of the Eucalyptus oils) for respiratory problems such as asthma, take a sniff of the oil from the lid of the bottle. If you find that this makes your chest feel constricted, it would be best to choose another oil such as Cedarwood or Frankincense. Do this test on any of the oils mentioned. If your chest feels less tight, then the oil will be okay to use in your blends.
Where To Buy It?
Black Spruce, Eucalyptus and Roman Chamomile can all be found on my doTerra store – click here to take a look. DoTerra is an essential oil company that specializes in the practice of holistic wellcare through the use of aromatherapy. DoTerra oils are some of the absolutely best quality oils you can find.
Let’s all come together and find ways to stay healthy during these tough times!
April 1, 2020
Black Spruce Respiratory Chest Rub
What we know about COVID-19 is that it attacks our respiratory system. Besides strengthening our immune systems, we must protect our respiratory system as well. Black Spruce Essential Oil is rich in monoterpenes that give this oil its anti-inflammatory and analgesic, mucolytic & respiratory therapeutic effects.
Black Spruce Essential Oil is antiseptic and expectorant and therefore is ideally used for many respiratory issues. It is an ideal remedy for many lung ailments such as asthma and bronchitis especially when used in an inhalation blend.
It can be used in diffusers, since it is known as an airborne deodorizer and decongestant. It can also be used in salves or creams for the same respiratory benefits.
According to Dr Kurt Schnabelt, Black Spruce is also known to strengthen and support the adrenal glands during times of stress and fatigue. This supports the fact that Black Spruce is not only calming and sedating, but uplifting as well. During these times a little Black Spruce is exactly what we all need in our lives. Try this recipe out and let me know what you think.
Black Spruce Essential Oil Recipe for Respiratory Problems
For a chest rub, combine 8 drops of Black Spruce, 7 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata and 5 drops of Roman Chamomile with 100ml of a fragrance-free base lotion. Once made, apply it to the chest and upper back at bed time.
This blend can be used in a very warm bath – a lovely way to naturally inhale the blend of oils. Add the oils to a base oil such as Jojoba and add 6 to 10 drops of the blend to your bath. Make sure that the bath is at your desired temperature first. Close the bathroom door and allow yourself to relax in the bath for at least twenty minutes.
A word of caution
Before using Black Spruce (or any of the Eucalyptus oils) for respiratory problems such as asthma, take a sniff of the oil from the lid of the bottle. If you find that this makes your chest feel constricted, it would be best to choose another oil such as Cedarwood or Frankincense. Do this test on any of the oils mentioned. If your chest feels less tight, then the oil will be okay to use in your blends.
Where To Buy It?
Black Spruce, Eucalyptus and Roman Chamomile can all be found on my doTerra store – click here to take a look. DoTerra is an essential oil company that specializes in the practice of holistic wellcare through the use of aromatherapy. DoTerra oils are some of the absolutely best quality oils you can find.
Let’s all come together and find ways to stay healthy during these tough times!