Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that focuses on using the creative process of making art to improve your overall well-being. Anyone can participate in art therapy, you don’t have to be the next Picasso, just let your creativity flow and see how free it can make you feel.
This month’s art therapy pick is collaging. Although many think of collaging as something children often partake in, it is actually something that is done by people of all ages for many different reasons. It is easy, and it does not require any artistic skill whatsoever. All you need is some paper, scissors, glue, and all of those old magazines that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw away.
Art is a form of expression, and it’s meant to evoke all sorts of emotions that challenge the way we think and feel on a day to day basis. For example, collaging can be as simple as seeing a picture of a woman screaming in a magazine or painting, then thinking to yourself, “I can relate to that.” If the stress of life is bringing you down on a particular day, or if an image just speaks to you, then add it to your piece.
There are a number of mental benefits that come with collaging. Similar to many forms of artistic expression, collaging provides a “symbolic release” of emotions. We may not know that we feel certain things until we have created something that reflects them. The emotions that your own creations evoke may end up surprising you!
Collaging has become very popular among therapists with clients of all ages who have trouble expressing their feelings with words. Unlike painting or drawing, you do not need experience to make something beautiful or meaningful. This is great because it creates a judgment-free environment where individuals of any age can participate in the therapeutic activity. Collage alone or with friends, and create that piece that speaks louder than words.
If you are interested in starting your crafting journey, please visit, a Close To My Heart representative who will be more than happy to help you get started.
July 31, 2017
Healing Power of Art
Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that focuses on using the creative process of making art to improve your overall well-being. Anyone can participate in art therapy, you don’t have to be the next Picasso, just let your creativity flow and see how free it can make you feel.
This month’s art therapy pick is collaging. Although many think of collaging as something children often partake in, it is actually something that is done by people of all ages for many different reasons. It is easy, and it does not require any artistic skill whatsoever. All you need is some paper, scissors, glue, and all of those old magazines that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw away.
Art is a form of expression, and it’s meant to evoke all sorts of emotions that challenge the way we think and feel on a day to day basis. For example, collaging can be as simple as seeing a picture of a woman screaming in a magazine or painting, then thinking to yourself, “I can relate to that.” If the stress of life is bringing you down on a particular day, or if an image just speaks to you, then add it to your piece.
There are a number of mental benefits that come with collaging. Similar to many forms of artistic expression, collaging provides a “symbolic release” of emotions. We may not know that we feel certain things until we have created something that reflects them. The emotions that your own creations evoke may end up surprising you!
Collaging has become very popular among therapists with clients of all ages who have trouble expressing their feelings with words. Unlike painting or drawing, you do not need experience to make something beautiful or meaningful. This is great because it creates a judgment-free environment where individuals of any age can participate in the therapeutic activity. Collage alone or with friends, and create that piece that speaks louder than words.
If you are interested in starting your crafting journey, please visit, a Close To My Heart representative who will be more than happy to help you get started.