January 31, 2018
More Than A Diet
If you’re reading this newsletter we’re assuming you are trying to change your life for the better. People who choose to make changes in their life sometimes revert back to their old ways when things get tough because it’s easier for them. Reverting back to their old ways usually leads to self-sabotaging any progress they made to begin with. Although it’s mostly known for personality traits it is possible to self-sabotage when it comes to your health. Giving up on your health goals is one thing, but subconsciously working against it is another. Stress is one of the main issues that can cause this.
In the last issue, we talked about how to balance a busy life with a healthy one. If you are overstressed in one aspect of your life the other aspects of your life can suffer. Stress eating isn’t a myth, in order to calm yourself down and avoid thinking about the things that are stressing you, you may eat more to provide comfort. If you’re constantly thinking about what you need to do that you haven’t done and how you’re going to add working out on top of that, it can really cause tension and stress.
The moral of this month’s column is to tell you guys to chill out! Your life is already hard enough as it is, no need to bite off more than you can chew. Here are some tips to reduce stress and stop yourself from self-sabotaging:
- Take a personal day.
Spend a whole da ding things that make your happy. Pay attention to the things that you’ve been neglecting. Treat yo self.
- Schedule your days.
Instead of worrying about the ten things you have to do in a day and what you might be forgetting. Plan out your days. It might seem strenuous and it’s difficult to stick with it but can help keep you organized and less stressed out.
- Eat certain foods.
Yes it is easier to indulge in junk food when you’re stressed out but it definitely isn’t better for you. Focus on foods that can help lower your stress level like: berries, avocados, tree nuts, and even chocolate!
& of course.. Work out!
We wouldn’t be an all around fitness company if we didn’t tell you to work out. Working out helps with the feeling of stress and promotes endorphins. Need to get out some pent up aggression? Take a boxing class! Need to feel more relaxed? Take a yoga class. The possibilities are endless.
Take some time out of your day to identify what you’re stressing out about, and then to think about the things you could do to stop stressing. Whether it’s solving the issue, working out, or treating yourself, there are things that can be done to help your situation instead of hindering it.
January 31, 2019
½ c. gluten free old fashioned rolled oats (it’s okay to makes this a heaping)
½ medium banana
¼ c. low fat, no salt cottage cheese
½ tsp. Vanilla extract
½ tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 Egg
2 tbsp. Unsweetened Vanilla almond milk
Optional Add In: Peanut butter, Berries
Place all ingredients into a blender until completely smooth.
Lightly coat a griddle with butter or cooking spray over medium low heat.
Pour batter on griddle.
Cook until bubbles appear on top.
Flip over to cook on underside.
Makes 4 pancakes.
Nutrition Information
Serving: 1
Serving size: Entire recipe
Calories: 290
Fat: 3.2 grams
Carbohydrates: 46.8 grams
Sugar: 10.4 grams
Fiber: 6.2 grams
Protein: 20.2 grams