March 7, 2018
More Than A Diet
Uh oh… It’s that time of the year again when we ask ourselves are we on track to reach our Summer weight loss goals. We are all too familiar with the saying “Summer bodies are made in the winter” and now we are heading into Spring. It’s that time of year where we are all thinking, I won’t be able to hide behind my winter coat much longer and then the panic begins to set in. Well, it doesn’t have to be that way, take a deep breath and remain focused.
Before you know it Summertime will be here and indulgence will be upon us yet again, so where do you want to be on your transformation journey. There’s still plenty of time for damage control if need be. First, let’s identify the sabotaging behavior and/or trigger points that derailed you in the first place. Secondly, let’s put into place your support system that will hold you accountable no matter what. Thirdly, ACTION, ACTION ACTION, the key to your success. I believe that a shift in one’s mindset and a sense of mental calmness is hugely attributed to a person’s success, no matter if it is in the workplace or your personal life.
With that being said, let’s March into Spring with positive affirmations and intention that will lead us into the Summer with the right tools to help us gain unmeasurable SUCCESS and a Healthy and Fit BODY.
Here are a few healthy eating strategies to keep in mind yearlong.
- Eat Before Going to a Party/Bring Your Own Food
Socializing is all about reconnecting with your friends and loved ones. So next time you’re invited to that after work spot for drinks and appetizers or dinner for two, we have a few tips for you.. Eat something before going to that party or dinner. It doesn’t have to be something heavy but something that can prevent you from stuffing your face all night. Another thing you can do instead of stuffing yourself is bringing your own food to the party. That way if you can make something healthier to eat, and if you have to indulge during the party you can eat what you prepared.
- Concentrate on your meal while you’re eating it
This one might be a little a harder if you’re at a social gathering but paying attention to what you’re eating helps prevent mindless eating. So take 30 minutes out of your day to just eat, with no distractions.
- Manage Portion Size
This is a tip that is important all year long. The saying “your eyes are bigger than your stomach” is an accurate representation of the way the majority of us eat. Most of us see a plate of any size and decide that we always need a full plate in front of us. This tempts us to try and eat the entire plate. Using an appetizer size plate, or eating in smaller portions could help with maintaining your weight and preventing unnecessary weight gain.
Now that you have some guidelines to help you navigate through the next soirée, have fun, be mindful and enjoy LIFE.
October 1, 2018
More Than A Diet
Challenges Associated with Getting Back on Track and How to Overcome Them
The level of uncertainty that comes along with weight loss. For this reason alone, I often suggest that we refer to this journey as a lifestyle change. Now, with all of the other things we have going on in our lives, such as home, job and school issues, how is their time to take on one more challenge one might ask. Well, the trick is to take small steps that will have a huge reward. Let’s talk about what these steps look like and how we can implement them into our day to day lives.
Weight loss has often been associated with being on a “journey” mainly due to the fact that one never knows when their goal will be achieved. This fact alone can come with some anxiety due to
Plan of Action
Support System – Setting yourself up to be successful is always the key. You have to move with intention and make sure that everyone in your immediate circle understands what you are doing and asking them to be on board to support your efforts is a huge first step.
I live by the notion that if it’s in the house you open the possibility of you eating it. Get rid of the processed foods “junk food” in your cabinets and refrigerator. All sugary drinks, foods that are made with white flour and high in sodium. Also including, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, and refined vegetable oils.
Kitchen Tools – THIS IS HUGE
Make sure that you have the following:
Plan your meals (Journal)
I use my journal in the planning phase. I write in my journal what a perfect meal plan for the week would look like if I wanted to get a certain result. In other words, I say to myself how/what would I eat if I wanted to lose 3 pounds. Then, I write what I am going to eat for the week and as the days come, I eat what a wrote. Whenever I journal after, I have eaten, I leave room for mishaps and I often find myself saying “why did I eat that? OR damn, I messed up.
Once you have journaled, then you are ready to shop for ingredients. Shop the perimeter, and buy FRESH because we are what we eat.
Now, we all know that a great body is made in the kitchen, at least 80%, but the other 20% is made in the gym. Just as you plan what you’re going to eat, you have to plan when you get moving. Whether it is in the gym or through an activity, it has to be prioritized because we all need to live a heart-healthy lifestyle full of movement.
Now, with that being said, finding the right Fitness program that can make you feel like you want to be there and isn’t intimidating, fun-filled and filled with RESULTS is what I believe to be the key to your success. So, I encourage everyone to find a fitness buddy and get started today with no delay.
For more information on SLEEK PHYSIQUE’s many fitness programs, go to