October 1, 2018
Recipe of the Month
Durian Cake
Now that we have given you a slight introduction on the durian, let’s provide you with a delicious recipe we have found!
170g self raising flour
170g butter
140g sugar
115g mashed durian
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites (beaten)
- Preheat oven to 180C or 350°F.
- Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
- Add in the egg yolks one at a time.
- Beat well before adding the next yolk.
- Add durian meat and beat well.
- Next, add in the beaten egg whites.
- Last but not least, add in the flour.
- Put in a 8 x 8 greased pan and bake for an 1 hour.
** Warning: Durian meat does smell a tad strong so it might be a good idea to warn your family members when you are about to try this cake.
October 1, 2018
Bon Appetit
Living in China, and documenting my travels on my youtube channel Roads Less Traveled, I’m often pushing myself to try new things. Reason #1 being that it’s always good to try something new, and reason #2 being that I love to show my viewers the different things I come across in China-life.
One thing I must say is durian is EVERYWHERE in China. I have also seen it around South East Asia often and after the millionth time of seeing durian pizza, durian lays chips, and durian candy, I had to wonder, what is this fruit that people here love. I finally adventured out and tried it… and it was interesting to say the least.
So, here is it. Benefits of Durian include: strengthening cardiovascular health, reduces cholesterol, helps prevent cancer and anemia, boosts bone health and even relieves insomnia!
Although these are just the beginning of benefits that durian has, there must be a reason that everyone here in Asia is going crazy over it.
**Don’t forget to check out my travel channel for more information! https://www.youtube.com/c/RoadsLessTraveled